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Thursday 18 January 2018

Steak Fajita Roll-Ups

Hi guys, its Ivanna here again. I'm so sorry to be gone for so long. Life happened 😁😁. I'm back and revamping a lot on this blog for the year 2018. I have been thinking critically of what I want to do with this blog and I have so may ideas already. You are going to see new set of posts but all in the right direction. Feel free to hit me up if you want me to do any post on something you are specifically interested in. First, enjoy this homemade fajitas roll-up prepared by Katerina of diethood.

Homemade Fajitas Seasoning Mix

1 pound thinly sliced sirloin tip steak (carne asada)*
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
3 colored bell peppers cut into thin strips
1 large yellow onion , sliced
1 lime , juiced
chopped fresh parsley or cilantro
prepared Guacamole for serving , optional

Prepare the fajitas seasoning mix and set aside.
Cut the steak into 2-inch wide by 6-inch long strips.
Rub the steak strips with some of the prepared seasoning mix and set aside.**
Heat olive oil in a grill pan over medium-high heat and add pepper strips and sliced onions to the grill pan; season with salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of the fajitas seasoning mix.
Cook for about 4 to 5 minutes, or until tender.
Remove from heat and let cool for a minute.
Top each slice of steak with the vegetables; roll up and secure with a toothpick.
Heat up the grill pan again and add the roll-ups to the pan.
Cook until browned, about 2 to 3 minutes per side.
Remove from heat, remove toothpicks, and transfer to a serving plate.
Squeeze lime juice over the roll ups and garnish with chopped parsley or cilantro.
Serve with prepared guacamole.

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